Instructional Videos

EDU600 -Accomplished Practices Seminar- Videos

EDU620 -Teacher Education Simulation- Videos

  1. EDU 620 Introduction (in English)
  2. EDU 620 Conclusion (in English)
  3. EDU 620 (in Spanish)

EDD8061- Dynamics of Student Services

  • Assignment 1
  • Assignment 2
  • Assignment 3
  • EDD9810 – Contemporary Challenges in Higher Education Leadership

  • Assignment 1
  • Assignment 2
  • Assignment 3
  • Videos by Dr. Maryann Tobin (click on links below to open)



    1. RED 550 - Intro Video
    2. RED 565 - Intro Video
    3. RED 585 - Intro Video
    4. RED 587 - Video 1
    5. RED 587 - Video 2

    Articulate Presentations by Dr. Maryann Tobin (click on links below to open)



    1. RED 550 - Intro
    2. ARC 9300 Overview - Research Evaluation & Development, Section RE: Reading Education

    Videos by Dr. Ramon Ferreiro-Gravie - Spanish - (click on links below to open)


    1. Dr. Ramon Ferreiro-Gravie - Presentacion del Profesor en Espanol
    2. Metodos de Investigacion M.O.I. EDD9300- Presentacion del Curso
    3. Metodos de Investigacion M.O.I. EDD9300- Fundamentacion del Curso
    4. Metodos de Investigacion M.O.I. EDD9300- MeProb
    5. Etapas del Metodo Cientifico - M.O.I. EDD9300- MeProb
    6. Revision de la Literatura - M.O.I. EDD9300
    7. Lideres Cientificos - M.O.I. EDD9300
    8. Systematic Review & Meta Analysis
    9. Investigacion Aplicada
    10. Diseno de Investigacion

    Digital Storytelling - Recertification Videos by Dr. Berta Hayes Capo (click on links below to open)


    1. REP 705- Digital Storytelling Course Information
    2. Digital Storytelling - Lesson 1
    3. Digital Storytelling - Lesson 2
    4. Digital Storytelling - Lesson 3
    5. Digital Storytelling - Lesson 4
    6. Sample Digital Story

    Videos by Dr. David Ross (click on links below to open)



    1. Centerville - Community Services Video
    2. Centerville - City Council Video
    3. Centerville - Economic Development Video
    4. Centerville - Education Sector Video
    5. Centerville - Social Services Video
    6. The Seven Outs