Retrieval and Forgetting

  • Describe the importance of informational networks & why structure is important;
  • Define "encoding specificity;"
  • Describe the differences between retrieval failures and errors;
  • List several ways to cue learners;
  • Distinguish between retroactive and proactive interference;
  • Describe three mechanisms of forgetting information.
book Week at a glance

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book Read

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[Ormrod, J. E. (2007) Chapter 10. Long-Term Memory III: Retrieval and Forgetting
(p. 282-307)]

activity Required Activities

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presentation Retrieval and Forgetting (14 minutes, 9.5MB) download

quiz Quiz 2: opens Thur Sept 29th - closes Sun Oct 2nd

? Supplementary Activities (optional)

pbs Of Mice and Memory - Can memories be restored?

YouTube Manufacturing Memories

msWord Quiz 2 terms - This is a list of tems covered in the five chapters associated with quiz 2. Studying this will help you with the quiz.