Week 8 Assessments

  • Describe the purpose for criterion-referenced tests;
  • Describe how entry skills tests, pretests, practice tests, and posttests are used by instructional designers;
  • Name four categories of criteria for developing criterion-referenced tests and list several considerations within each criterion category;
  • Given a variety of objectives, write criterion-referenced, objective-style test items that meet quality criteria in all four categories;
  • Develop rubrics for evaluating learners' work;
  • Evaluate instructional goals, subordinate skills, learner and context analyses, performance objectives, and criterion-referenced test items for congruence.
book Week at a glance

Please listen to this presentation

book Read

Please read:
Chapter 7 Developing Assessment Instruments
[Dick, Carey, & Carey (2009) pp 130-163]

activity Required Activities


A3 due (Sunday 10:00 PM EST): documentPerf Objectives & Assessments
Here is a template for this assignment. It is expected that you will have one objective per subordinate skill. Please add this table to the materials you have already developed in Assignment 2 and turn it in within the course.

Assignment 3 example - While this document is not typical of library instruction, this exercise is designed to give you practice writing objectives and assessments in the context of instructional design. This example requires observation to assess if the learner has accomplished the goal of the instruction. Note the checklist.

watch Developing Assessment Instruments (13 minutes, 29.4 MB)download(rt click)

? Supplementary Activities (optional)

watch Writing Performance Objectives (25.5 minutes, 57.6MB)download(rt click)
This was presented last week, but you should probably review this presentation, for it will help you complete assignment 3.

link Examples of Well-written Objectives
link Objectives and Assessment